Have monthly bills and are often overwhelmed to schedule payments? You may need an auto-debit feature that can help you pay your bills on time. What is auto debit? Check out the full explanation, Yuk.
What is Auto-debit?
Auto-debit is an automatic payment system that reduces the balance in the account due to transactions made by the customer based on an agreement that has already been established between the bank and the customer.
Auto-debit transactions are usually in the form of routine bills that must be paid, such as electricity bills, PDAM, BPJS, insurance, credit card, loans, motor vehicle loans, and other bills.
Advantages of Auto debit
Before you use the auto-debit feature, let's first discuss some of the following auto-debit advantages:
- Practical and Easy
The auto debit feature is created to make it easier for customers to make routine transactions, so they don't have to calculate bills and forget payment deadlines. By activating the auto-debit feature, you don't have to bother calculating your regular monthly electricity and telephone bill expenses. In addition, you also don't need to worry about your bill being paid late. The auto-debit feature will deduct the balance to pay the bill before the billing deadline ends. The thing you need to make sure is that your balance is sufficient to do the auto-debit process.
- Avoid Fines
Having an auto-debit feature will help those of you who have often forgotten or been late paying bills because the auto-debit feature will pay your bills on time as long as your account balance is sufficient. Therefore, this feature will help you avoid billing penalties for late payments.
- Helps Loan History Stay Healthy
One of the advantages of the auto-debit feature that you can experience is that it helps you have a healthy financial or loan history, making all banking matters easier.
As previously explained, the auto-debit feature helps you pay your bills on time and avoid fines. A payment history like this will make the bank trust you more when you want to apply for a loan.
Conversely, you will have trouble applying for a loan if you often pay late and have arrears. This also allows you not to pass the OJK SLIK.
- Environmentally friendly
Activating the auto-debit feature also impacts the environment by reducing the use of paper for proof of payment. You will no longer receive proof of payment in paper form but in electronic mail (email) sent directly to your registered email address.
How to Autodebit on MAS Mobile
To facilitate your routine transactions, such as paying utility bills, PDAM, postpaid cards, and other bills, you can activate the auto-debit feature on MAS Mobile by observing the following steps.
- Open the MAS Mobile application
- Log in using your MAS Mobil account
- Go to the Payment menu and select the billing option you want to pay
- Enter the customer ID and mark the auto-debit option
- Confirm by entering your MAS Mobile PIN.
Come on, activate the auto-debit feature on MAS Mobile now so that your bill payments are on time and avoid fines!