Get to know what GPN is and its advantages for transactions

Get to know what GPN is and its advantages for transactions

You may often hear of a GPN debit card when a bank officer offers a debit card you want to use for the convenience of your transactions. But do you know what a GPN debit card is and the advantages of making transactions using a GPN debit card? Come on, read this article, so you understand more about GPN.

What is GPN?

The National Payment Gateway (GPN) is a system consisting of Standards, Switching, and Services built through a set of rules and mechanisms (arrangements) to unite various payment instruments and channels nationally.

The background for the emergence of GPN is to facilitate payment systems in Indonesia that are integrated to create an optimal payment ecosystem. Bank Indonesia and the national payment system industry established the GPN.

GPN is also designed to facilitate government programs such as distributing non-cash social assistance, Public to Government, non-cash payments when using toll roads and public vehicles, as well as online buying and selling transactions and increasing access to financial services for the community.

From the explanation regarding the background of its formation, the GPN is one of the efforts to create an electronic-based trading ecosystem by encouraging people to reduce cash transactions.

GPN also involves several connected parties, including GPN card issuers, parties who process electronic money data, electronic transaction system operators, and other parties determined by Bank Indonesia.

GPN goals

The establishment of the GPN also has the following objectives:

  • Realizing connected, shared, and centralized infrastructure to achieve optimal interoperability.
  • Increasing the role of the domestic payment system industry using the latest technology and innovation based on domestic infrastructure in providing the services and products needed by the community.
  • Expanding the range of retail payment system products and services to increase non-cash transactions and financial inclusion.
  • Improving security in transactions and consumer protection.
  • Arrange payment system industry institutions that will carry out standard, switching, and services functions.
  • Realizing national payment system interoperability through switching interconnections and realizing a more efficient, secure, and reliable national payment system.

 GPN coverage

GPN includes domestic payment transactions, which include:

  • Switch Interconnection.
  • Interconnection and interoperability of payment channels through ATM channels, Electronic Data Captured (EDC), agents, electronic transaction system operators and other payment channels.
  • Interoperability of payment instruments in the form of ATM and/or debit cards, credit cards, electronic money, and other payment instruments.


GPN organizers

GPN organizers include Standard Agencies, Switching Agencies, and Services Agencies.

1. Standards Institution: 

  • Compile, develop, and manage standards to ensure interconnection and interoperability of payment instruments, payment channels, and switching, as well as security.
  • Bank Indonesia has established the Indonesian Payment System Association (ASPI) as the GPN Standard Agency.

2. Switching Agency:

  • It has a function to process payment transaction data domestically in the context of interconnection and interoperability.
  • There are 4 (four) GPN Switching Agencies, namely PT. Artajasa Electronic Payment, PT. Prosperous Rintis, PT. Alto Network, and PT. Establish Nusantara Payments.

  3. Services Agency:

  •  as duties including maintaining the security of payment transactions and confidentiality of customer data, performing reconciliation, clearing, settlement, and developing systems for fraud prevention, risk management, and risk mitigation; handling payment transaction disputes in the context of consumer protection; and carrying out other tasks mandated by Bank Indonesia related to the Services function.
  • The Services Institution function is carried out by PT. Penyelesaian Transaksi Elektronik Nasional (PTEN).

 GPN advantages

As a payment instrument, the GPN debit card also has the following advantages:

1. Safe Transactions

Transactions using GPN debit cards are safely standardized because they are equipped with chip technology that stores customer information as the card owner. The chip on the GPN debit card will ask for a PIN before making a transaction, so the transaction will only occur if the PIN is entered correctly.

2. No need to carry a lot of cash (cashless)

Having a GPN debit card also makes it easier to make non-cash transactions, so you don't need to carry large amounts of cash. This is because GPN debit card payments are connected to all payment channels.

3. Transactions can be made on all payment channels

Currently, the GPN debit card is connected to all payment channels. So, you can make non-cash transactions with any EDC machine in all shops or merchants in Indonesia.

 4. Merchant fees-free

You don't need to worry about additional costs when transacting using a GPN debit card because there is a merchant discount rate, a fee charged to merchants when transacting using GPN. The fees charged are also cheaper than using other types of debit cards.

5.  No minimum transaction 

Transactions using a GPN debit card also do not apply to a minimum transaction, so you are free to make transactions without being limited by a minimum transaction amount.

 6. Lower administrative costs 

When you open an account and change your ATM card, you may be offered a GPN card and explained that the administration fee for a GPN card is cheaper than others. This is because the entire transaction process is carried out domestically, making it more efficient.

How to get a GPN Debit Card 

To get a GPN card, you can exchange your old debit card at the nearest branch office of each bank. You can also get a GPN debit card when you open a MAS Savings account at Bank MAS. By using the Bank MAS GPN debit card, you can also experience the ease of transactions at more than 90,000 GPN/ALTO/PRIMA ATM networks throughout Indonesia.

Source : Bank Indonesia