Get to know what Non Taglist PLN is and how to pay it

Get to know what Non Taglist PLN is and how to pay it

What is PLN Non-Taglis

PLN non-taglis is a PLN's service outside of paying monthly electricity bills (postpaid) and purchasing electricity tokens (prepaid). The use of electricity that does not come from the sale of electricity is included in PLN non-taglis PLN.

Service Type

There are several services included in PLN non-taglis, including:

  1. New connection
  2. Power change
  3. Moving to postpaid and prepaid
  4. Rebuild
  5. Installment payments
  6. Temporary lighting
  7. Engineering complaints
  8. Change of name and rates
  9. Stop being a customer
  10. Completion of Controlling Electricity Users
  11. Inauguration of Public Street Lighting
  12. Rent transformers, capacitors, and parallel operations
  13. Administrative complaints

Registration and Payment

PLN non-taglis bills can be paid after the customer obtains a Registration Number. You can request a Registration Number via PLN Contact Center 123, the official PLN website at, or visit the nearest PLN office.

Like paying prepaid and postpaid electricity bills, PLN non-taglis fees are an obligation that customers must pay, and they can be paid without having to come to the PLN office. You can pay PLN non-taglis bills via the MAS Mobile application in the following way:

  1. Log in to your MAS Mobile account
  2. Select the Payment menu
  3. Select the PLN Non-Taglis menu
  4. Enter Customer ID

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