The development of banking products is increasingly advanced with the emergence of digital financial services that can meet your transaction needs as a bank customer. However, due to the rapid development of banking product services, conventional services such as billet giro are still used.
Some of you have never used or are unfamiliar with Bilyet Giro product services. Like other banking products, billet giro also has advantages, namely very guaranteed transaction security, so users don't need to worry about various kinds of potential crimes.
In this article, we will discuss the meaning of billet giro, the formal requirements, and the rules accompanying it. Read the complete explanation until the end!
Understanding Bilyet Giro
According to Bank Indonesia, a billet giro is an order from the Drawer to the Drawee Bank to transfer a certain amount of funds to the Beneficiary's account. When using giro bills, the following general principles apply:
- As a means of transferring orders.
- Non-transferable.
- They were published in Rupiah currency.
- Written in Indonesian.
As a payment instrument, Bilyet Giro also has a deadline of 70 days from the withdrawal date. After 70 days from the date of withdrawal, the Giro bill is no longer valid, and the Drawer's obligation to provide funds for the Giro bill is waived.
Formal Bilyet Giro Requirements
In its use, the giro bill must meet the following formal requirements:
- The name of the "billet giro" and the billet giro number of the party concerned.
- Name of Interested Bank.
- A clear and unconditional order to transfer a certain amount of funds at the expense of the Drawer's checking account.
- Recipient's name and account number.
- Recipient Bank Name.
- The total amount of funds transferred both in numbers and in letters. The amount of funds transferred is carried out in Rupiah currency.
- Withdrawal Date.
- Effective date
The Effective Date must be within the Appointment Deadline.
- Puller's clear name.
Filling in the clear name of the Drawer can be done through personalization by the Attracted Bank, including at least the name of the Drawer as recorded at the Attracted Bank. The clear name of the Drawee is not required to be included when issuing the giro bill if it has been personalized by the Drawee Bank. In the event that the Drawer is a legal entity/business entity, the clear name of the Drawer is the name of the legal entity/business entity.
- Puller's signature
The Drawer's signature is carried out using a wet signature in accordance with the signature specimen administered by the Drawee Bank. In the event that the Drawer is a legal entity, the signature is carried out by a party authorized to represent the legal entity or who receives power of attorney, the specimen of which is at the Drawee Bank. The Drawer's signature can also be accompanied by a seal/stamp if it has been agreed upon in the account opening agreement.
- Fulfillment of formal requirements must use Indonesian and English equivalents can be added.
- Fulfillment of the formal requirements number (1) to number (3) is carried out by the Drawee Bank at the time of printing the giro bill, number (4) to number (10) is carried out by the Drawer at the time of issuing the giro bill.
- A Bilyet giro that does not meet the formal requirements is not valid as a Bilyet giro.
Apart from the formal requirements above, there are several things that dancers (gilet bureau givers) must also pay attention to:
- Giro bills are not securities.
- The drawee/giver must fulfill the formal requirements for the giro bill above.
- The Drawee is obliged to provide sufficient funds.
- The Drawee must inform the Drawee's bank if the demand deposit will be blocked.
Cancellation and Blocking of Bilyet Giro
- The Drawer cannot cancel the Bilyet Giro during the Drawing Period (a period of 70 days from the Withdrawal Date).
- The Drawee can submit a request to block Bilyet Giro payments for certain reasons during the Appointment Deadline.
- If the Bilyet Giro is lost or stolen, the blocking request letter must be accompanied by a statement from the Police.
- If the Bilyet Giro is damaged, the request letter for blocking is accompanied by the damaged Bilyet Giro.
That's the discussion about Bilyet Giro. Hopefully, you can better understand billet giro as a payment instrument and banking product.